There are more than 1 million women in the UK who could quit their jobs due to lack of menopause support in the workplace! We are on a mission to inform and educate everyone about this time in a woman’s life, including employees and employers! Employers are being encouraged to educate themselves and do what they can to support women going through this time in their life. This also has a huge effect on men and their relationships too. Throughout this time many women struggle to work and quit their careers because they can’t cope with the mental and physical symptoms that come with the menopause.
Below are just some of the reasons to become a menopause friendly employer:
- It is estimated that over 13 million women in the UK are currently peri-menopausal, menopausal, or post-menopausal, this represents a huge percentage of the workforce.
- Become a menopause friendly organisation, encouraging women to join your organisation during recruitment.
- Improve employee retention.
- Decrease employee absences.
- Maintain a diverse and inclusive work environment.
- Increase employee production and performance.
Menopause Presentations
Our Menopause presentations are a great way of bringing colleagues together to talk informally about menopause. Support can be put into place to deal with any issues or struggles that your employees may face. Talking about menopause is key in helping women with their menopause symptoms, so that it is not the taboo issue it has been for so long.
Our bespoke Menopause Presentations are tailored to your personal requirements and needs. They cover:
- What is menopause
- My menopause journey
- Symptoms
- Hormones
- HRT/Natural Supplements
- Lifestyle changes
- Positive aspects of menopause
- How you can help your employees
We also offer:
- 1:2:1 Sessions
- Men and Menopause
- Group Sessions
- Women only sessions
- Senior Leadership sessions
- Bespoke sessions tailored to your individual requirements
Menopause Policy for the workplace
Menopause policies encompass a set of guidelines and practices to support employees experiencing menopause and the accompanying physical and mental symptoms.
This policy is a document that aims to create a work environment that acknowledges and addresses the physical and emotional challenges individuals may face during this natural life stage.
A menopause policy can serve to educate all staff members so that they can understand and support others including non-binary and trans members of staff.
Why have one:
- Support for menopause is crucial in building a diverse and inclusive workplace environment.
- You will retain your most talented staff and be an attractive employer to potential employees.
- It shows that you care about the progression of all your employees.
- You will see improved employee happiness and increased wellbeing, which in turn increases productivity and profit.
- Every company and organisation is unique and every menopause-friendly workplace will look different.
- Let us help plan and write your unique and bespoke menopause policy for your workplace!
Menopause Help Book
Our Menopause Help Book covers the main symptoms that women may experience before, during and after Menopause. It is a great resource, aimed at men, businesses, informing women at a younger age and women who are currently struggling through this period in their life. Written simply, with illustrations and a few pages per symptom, this book can be:
- Distributed to senior leadership and management so they understand and can put additional support in place for women going through this transition period.
- Gifted to women in their mid to late 30s to forewarn and forearm them about anything and everything menopause.
- Leave in break rooms or restrooms for women and men to read at their leisure and spark the conversation about menopause.
- Menopause has an affect on professional and personal relationships too, this book will help all to understand the changes a women is going through.
Some fantastic book reviews we have received:
Free Menopause Help Posters
Click on the photo below to download/print our FREE menopause help posters.
Put these up around the workplace, in staff break rooms, restrooms etc. Employees can then scan the QR code and be taken straight to our menopause blogs, where they will find a wealth of free information at their fingertips 24/7, wherever they are in the world, day or night!